View all of your personalizations in one place with Sitecore 9.2
The recent release of Sitecore 9.2 included a variety of fun new features, inlcuding SXA integration with JSS, integration with ContentHub 3.2 and GDPR enhancements.
However, one of the new features is sure to help Content Authors and Marketers in a significant way. Sitecore 9.2 introduces the Active Personalization Dashboard, which can be found under Experience Optimization tool, and in the Personalization accordion.

From here, you can see all of the pages that have personalization applied to them. A quick note, some of the pages did not appear until they were published. You can then click on any item and see the various rules and experiences in the right pane.
For each experience, there are lots of things to see, such as the image, the effect of the exprience, and if you have testing enabled, you can see all sorts of information about that. To see all of the details of what is available here, please see the official Sitecore Documentation.
You can also easily jump to the pages by clicking on the hyperlinked name or clicking “edit” on the right page, which will open the page in Experience Editor mode.
In another post, I’ll cover using the “Personalization Suggestions” dashboard, which as the name suggests, uses Sitecore Cortex to provide you with a list of personalization suggestions.